
New English File Pre-Intermediate

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Pre-Intermediate: New English File: Pre-intermediate: Workbook with key and MultiROM Pack - New English File

Six-level general English course for adults

Lesson-by-lesson revision and practice for students - the Workbook includes grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities for every lesson. 

The MultiROM includes Practical English video, grammar quizzes, vocabulary bank, and a pronunciation reference. 

Ab CHF 37.00

Pre-Intermediate: New English File: Pre-intermediate: Workbook with MultiROM Pack - New English File

Six-level general English course for adults

Lesson-by-lesson revision and practice for students - the Workbook includes grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation activities for every lesson.

The MultiROM includes Practical English video, grammar quizzes, vocabulary bank, and a pronunciation reference.

It also gives students access to a free online practice test at;

Ab CHF 37.00

Pre-Intermediate: New English File: Pre-intermediate: Teacher's Book with Test and Assessment CD-ROM - New English File

Six-level general English course for adults

With this book, you have a complete support package for the pre-intermediate classroom.

For every lesson, you get full teaching notes, photocopiable material plus extra support and extra ideas.

In the back of the book you'll find the Test and Assessment CD-ROM with customizable tests, CEF assessment material, and listening audio.;

Ab CHF 67.15

Hier finden Sie eine Auswahl der wichtigsten Titel aus dem Lehrwerk NEW English File Pre-Intermediat vom Verlag Oxford University Press
