
The Reincarnator and the Goblin Maiden's Happily Ever After: Using a Past Life to Keep a Joyful Wife Volume 1 (eBook)

Verlag: J-Novel Heart
ISBN: 978-1-7183-1974-5
GTIN: 9781718319745
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Ginorious Adolni has but one goal after reincarnating into a new world-find and marry someone he can grow old with. After living for close to a century without ever having a single relationship due to his hideous appearance, Ginorious wishes for companionship from the depths of his heart. The opportunity presents itself one day when he receives an offer to marry the daughter of the premier duke. It's a shocking proposal for the son of a simple viscount, until he learns that all their attempts to arrange courtships with higher nobles have already failed, and for one simple reason: the daughter's appearance, which has earned her the epithet of the Goblin Maiden. But Ginorious sees his past self in her, and soon learns that she has a genuinely beautiful soul. Ginorious resolves to use everything at his disposal, including knowledge from his past life, to make her happy.

Ginorious Adolni has but one goal after reincarnating into a new world-find and marry someone he can grow old with. After living for close to a century without ever having a single relationship due to his hideous appearance, Ginorious wishes for companionship from the depths of his heart. The opportunity presents itself one day when he receives an offer to marry the daughter of the premier duke. It's a shocking proposal for the son of a simple viscount, until he learns that all their attempts to arrange courtships with higher nobles have already failed, and for one simple reason: the daughter's appearance, which has earned her the epithet of the Goblin Maiden. But Ginorious sees his past self in her, and soon learns that she has a genuinely beautiful soul. Ginorious resolves to use everything at his disposal, including knowledge from his past life, to make her happy.

Autor Shinten-Shinchi / Tokima (Illustr.) / Dunn, Geirrlon (Übers.)
Verlag J-Novel Heart
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Seitenangabe 250 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 26'192 KB
Plattform EPUB
Reihe The Reincarnator and the Goblin Maiden's Happily Ever After: Using a Past Life to Keep a Joyful Wife
ISBN 978-1-7183-1974-5

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