
Lady Charlotte and the Lending LIbrary (The Rogue's Alliance, #1) (eBook)

ISBN: 979-8-227-17963-0
GTIN: 9798227179630
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
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Lady Charlotte Beaumont and her friends Edith and Louisa are misfits of the marriage mart. Thorne's Lending Library is their sanctuary from the ton, where they can pursue unconventional hobbies. When Thorne's is threatened with closure, the three friends band together to save the library.

Lord Benedict Grey must learn whether his sister is satirized in Caroline Lamb's upcoming novel. An encounter near White's diverts the marquess from his mission as Ashford becomes involved with Lady Charlotte's plan to save Thorne's. He soon discovers the campaign to close the library was instigated by the Rogue's Alliance, a mysterious London criminal coalition.

As Charlotte and Ashford spend time together, Charlotte discovers that first impressions aren't always to be believed, and Ashford begins to think the lady isn't as unsuitable as he first imagined.

Lady Charlotte Beaumont and her friends Edith and Louisa are misfits of the marriage mart. Thorne's Lending Library is their sanctuary from the ton, where they can pursue unconventional hobbies. When Thorne's is threatened with closure, the three friends band together to save the library.

Lord Benedict Grey must learn whether his sister is satirized in Caroline Lamb's upcoming novel. An encounter near White's diverts the marquess from his mission as Ashford becomes involved with Lady Charlotte's plan to save Thorne's. He soon discovers the campaign to close the library was instigated by the Rogue's Alliance, a mysterious London criminal coalition.

As Charlotte and Ashford spend time together, Charlotte discovers that first impressions aren't always to be believed, and Ashford begins to think the lady isn't as unsuitable as he first imagined.

Autor Jameson, Angelina
Verlag Angelina Jameson
Einband Adobe Digital Editions
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse 361 KB
Plattform EPUB
Reihe The Rogue's Alliance
ISBN 979-8-227-17963-0

Über den Autor Angelina Jameson

Angelina Jameson is a multi-published author of historical Regency romance. Growing up in Las Vegas, Nevada, Angelina joined the US Air Force to see the world. Dreams of visiting the United Kingdom were fulfilled when she was stationed at RAF Lakenheath in the beautiful countryside of Suffolk, England. Five years later she returned to the states, having acquired a love of not only all things British but also Regency and historical romance. With the help of Romance Writers of America, the hobby of writing developed into a dream of sharing her stories with others. Angelina currently lives in the great state of Alaska with her supportive husband and two teenage sons. She loves to write with a steady supply of coffee nearby and one of three cats on her lap. For news of upcoming releases and a deleted scene from The Marquess's Christmas Lily visit her author website at

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