
Forging A Mighty Multi-ethnic Nation: Four Millennia Of Ethnic And Nomadic Mixing In China - Challenges And Rewards Of Ethnic Integration (eBook)

Verlag: Terry Nettle
ISBN: 979-8-224-67382-7
GTIN: 9798224673827
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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It is not often realized that China is a vastly diverse multi-ethnic nation forged through thousands of years of evolution and the amalgamation of various ethnic groups and races.

Some people may even be surprised that this melting pot of peoples includes the wide diversity of midland Chinese, Miao, Caucasian Yuezhi, Sogdian, Scythian, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Khitan, Qiang, Jie, Di, Yi, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Uyghur, Tibetan,and various Austronesian.

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of how the various ethnicity interacted, intertwined and coalesced in China would appreciate that ethnic harmony is vital for the success of any nation. Clearly, there is much to be learned from various ethnicity and traditions. Diversity is indeed a strength, not a weakness.

The many cases of ethnic discrimination, hatred and violence around the world today should alert everyone to the terrible dangers of playing the ethnic and racial card in politics. The many developed nations of today should take note from history that great success is often the harbinger of disaster when complacency sets in, and when arrogance is up and guards are down.

Humankind must remember that it is one human species, not one to be segregated by ethnicity and race however these concepts are defined for purely political purpose.

It is not often realized that China is a vastly diverse multi-ethnic nation forged through thousands of years of evolution and the amalgamation of various ethnic groups and races.

Some people may even be surprised that this melting pot of peoples includes the wide diversity of midland Chinese, Miao, Caucasian Yuezhi, Sogdian, Scythian, Xiongnu, Xianbei, Khitan, Qiang, Jie, Di, Yi, Turkic, Mongolic, Tungusic, Uyghur, Tibetan,and various Austronesian.

Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of how the various ethnicity interacted, intertwined and coalesced in China would appreciate that ethnic harmony is vital for the success of any nation. Clearly, there is much to be learned from various ethnicity and traditions. Diversity is indeed a strength, not a weakness.

The many cases of ethnic discrimination, hatred and violence around the world today should alert everyone to the terrible dangers of playing the ethnic and racial card in politics. The many developed nations of today should take note from history that great success is often the harbinger of disaster when complacency sets in, and when arrogance is up and guards are down.

Humankind must remember that it is one human species, not one to be segregated by ethnicity and race however these concepts are defined for purely political purpose.

AutorNettle, Terry
VerlagTerry Nettle
EinbandAdobe Digital Editions

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