
Firefly Hollow (eBook)

ISBN: 978-1-4424-9812-9
GTIN: 9781442498129
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
CHF 9.65
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Firefly. Cricket. Vole. Peter. Can four creatures from four very different Nations help one another find their ways in a world that can feel oh-so-big? Delve into this ?wise and lovely reading adventure? (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) in the tradition of Charlotte's Web and The Rats of NIMH, from the author of the New York Times bestselling Someday.

?Firefly Hollow will set your heart aglow? (ALA Booklist, starred review).

Firefly doesn't merely want to fly, she wants to touch the moon. Cricket doesn't merely want to sing about baseball, he wants to catch. When these two little creatures with big dreams wander out of Firefly Hollow, refusing to listen to their elders, they find themselves face-to-face with the one creature they were always told to stay away from...a giant.

But Peter is a Miniature Giant. They've always been told that a Miniature Giant is nothing but a Future Giant, but this one just isn't quite as big or as scary as the other Giants. Peter has a dream of his own, as well as memories to escape. He is overwhelmed with sadness, and a summer with his new unlikely friends Firefly and Cricket might be just what he needs. Can these friends' dreams help them overcome the past?

Firefly Hollow is nothing short of enchanting, reminding us all that the very best friend is the one who encourages you to achieve your dreams. Full-color tip-in illustrations and dozens of black-and-white drawings provide added glow.

Firefly. Cricket. Vole. Peter. Can four creatures from four very different Nations help one another find their ways in a world that can feel oh-so-big? Delve into this ?wise and lovely reading adventure? (Kirkus Reviews, starred review) in the tradition of Charlotte's Web and The Rats of NIMH, from the author of the New York Times bestselling Someday.

?Firefly Hollow will set your heart aglow? (ALA Booklist, starred review).

Firefly doesn't merely want to fly, she wants to touch the moon. Cricket doesn't merely want to sing about baseball, he wants to catch. When these two little creatures with big dreams wander out of Firefly Hollow, refusing to listen to their elders, they find themselves face-to-face with the one creature they were always told to stay away from...a giant.

But Peter is a Miniature Giant. They've always been told that a Miniature Giant is nothing but a Future Giant, but this one just isn't quite as big or as scary as the other Giants. Peter has a dream of his own, as well as memories to escape. He is overwhelmed with sadness, and a summer with his new unlikely friends Firefly and Cricket might be just what he needs. Can these friends' dreams help them overcome the past?

Firefly Hollow is nothing short of enchanting, reminding us all that the very best friend is the one who encourages you to achieve your dreams. Full-color tip-in illustrations and dozens of black-and-white drawings provide added glow.

AutorMcGhee, Alison / Denise, Christopher (Illustr.)
VerlagSimon + Schuster LLC
EinbandAdobe Digital Editions
Seitenangabe304 S.
Abbildungenf-c jkt +4C int. ill. +b&w illustrations
Masse15'183 KB

Über den Autor Alison McGhee

Alison McGhee hat zahlreiche hochgerühmte und ausgezeichnete Romane für Erwachsene, Kinder und Jugendliche veröffentlicht. Sie wurde unter anderem für den Pulitzer Preis und den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis nominiert. Mehrfach stand sie mit ihren Büchern auf Platz 1 der 'The New York Times'-Bestsellerliste.Birgitt Kollmann, 1953 in Duisburg geboren, studierte in Heidelberg Englisch, Spanisch und Schwedisch. Sie arbeitete als Übersetzerin im Bereich Entwicklungshilfe, anschließend sechs Jahre in Südamerika und lebt heute als freie Übersetzerin bei Darmstadt. Für die Reihe Hanser übersetzte sie u.a. die Romane von Erin Entrada Kelly, Joyce Carol Oates und Alison McGhee und wurde für ihre Arbeiten mehrfach ausgezeichnet u. a. mit dem Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis und dem Katholischen Kinder- und Jugendbuchpreis.

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