
Cuddle and a Cwtch (eBook)

Verlag: Graffeg
ISBN: 978-1-913634-74-2
GTIN: 9781913634742
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
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Cwtch up with a friend, a pet or a toy,Cwtching is fun with a girl or a boy.Cwtch someone big or cwtch someone tiny,Your cwtch will make them feel warm and sunshiny.Cwtch is a Welsh word used to describe a whole lot of love. This endearing illustrated poem introduces the term to the English language in order to share its healing, human warmth.Written by Sarah KilBride and illustrated by James Munro.'perfect as a stocking-filler for loved one, the book is full of warmth and fun. [aaA] James Munro's illustrations are perfect partners for the text aa"e; fun, witty and deceptively simple. A Welsh dragon is a recurring character throughout the book, adding a fun element for young readers to spot.' Jenny White, Western Mail

Cwtch up with a friend, a pet or a toy,Cwtching is fun with a girl or a boy.Cwtch someone big or cwtch someone tiny,Your cwtch will make them feel warm and sunshiny.Cwtch is a Welsh word used to describe a whole lot of love. This endearing illustrated poem introduces the term to the English language in order to share its healing, human warmth.Written by Sarah KilBride and illustrated by James Munro.'perfect as a stocking-filler for loved one, the book is full of warmth and fun. [aaA] James Munro's illustrations are perfect partners for the text aa"e; fun, witty and deceptively simple. A Welsh dragon is a recurring character throughout the book, adding a fun element for young readers to spot.' Jenny White, Western Mail

AutorKilbride, Sarah
EinbandAdobe Digital Editions
Seitenangabe48 S.
Masse7'205 KB

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