
Crime and Justice in America--A Reader

ISBN: 978-0-13-091105-6
GTIN: 9780130911056
Einband: Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
Unsere Staffelpreise:
CHF 83.90
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Crime and Justice in America provides a comprehensive range of articles that cover key issues in today's criminal justice system. It improves upon the approach of its successful predecessor with updates and revisions, while maintaining the successful blend of academic and popular readings, as well as case studies that will capture the reader's imagination.

With 27 new articles and three updated ones, as well as classical essays such as Lawrence Sherman's "Learning Police Ethics" and Craig Uchida's essay on the history of policing, Crime and Justice in America, Second Edition provides the ideal mixture of viewpoints that will enrich the reader's understanding of criminal justice permanently.

Crime and Justice in America provides a comprehensive range of articles that cover key issues in today's criminal justice system. It improves upon the approach of its successful predecessor with updates and revisions, while maintaining the successful blend of academic and popular readings, as well as case studies that will capture the reader's imagination.

With 27 new articles and three updated ones, as well as classical essays such as Lawrence Sherman's "Learning Police Ethics" and Craig Uchida's essay on the history of policing, Crime and Justice in America, Second Edition provides the ideal mixture of viewpoints that will enrich the reader's understanding of criminal justice permanently.

AutorPalacios, Wilson R. / Cromwell, Paul F. / Dunham, Roger G.
VerlagPearson Academic
EinbandKartonierter Einband (Kt)
Seitenangabe464 S.
CoverlagPearson Academic (Imprint/Brand)
Auflage2. A.
ReihePrentice Hall

Über den Autor Wilson R. Palacios

Wilson R. Palacios is an associate professor in the Department of Criminology at the University of South Florida. His research interests are in qualitative research methods and analysis, urban drug subcultures, and the epidemiology of Latino/a drug use.

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