
Boron-Nitrogen Compounds (eBook)

ISBN: 978-3-642-85826-0
GTIN: 9783642858260
Einband: PDF
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Although the chemistry of boron is still relatively young, it is developing at a pace where even specific areas of research are difficult to compile into a monograph. Besides the boron hydrides, boron-nitrogen compounds are among the most fascinating derivatives of boron. Nitrogen compounds exist in a wide variety of molecular structures and display many interesting properties. The combination of nitrogen and boron, however, has some unusual features that are hard to match in any other combination of elements. This situation was first recognized by ALFRED STOCK and it seems proper to pay tribute to his outstanding work in the area of boron chemistry. One should realize that about forty years ago, STOCK and his coworkers had to develop completely new experimental techniq'\les and that no guidance for the interpreta­ tion of their rather unusual data had been advanced by theoretical chemists. In this monograph an attempt has been made to explore the general characteristics of structure and the principles involved in the preparation and reactions of boron-nitroge~ compounds. It was a somewhat difficult task to select that information which appears to be of the most interest to "inorganic and general chemistry" since the electronic relationship between a boron-nitrogen and a carbon-carbon grouping is reflected in the "organic" character of many of the reactions and compounds.

Although the chemistry of boron is still relatively young, it is developing at a pace where even specific areas of research are difficult to compile into a monograph. Besides the boron hydrides, boron-nitrogen compounds are among the most fascinating derivatives of boron. Nitrogen compounds exist in a wide variety of molecular structures and display many interesting properties. The combination of nitrogen and boron, however, has some unusual features that are hard to match in any other combination of elements. This situation was first recognized by ALFRED STOCK and it seems proper to pay tribute to his outstanding work in the area of boron chemistry. One should realize that about forty years ago, STOCK and his coworkers had to develop completely new experimental techniq'\les and that no guidance for the interpreta­ tion of their rather unusual data had been advanced by theoretical chemists. In this monograph an attempt has been made to explore the general characteristics of structure and the principles involved in the preparation and reactions of boron-nitroge~ compounds. It was a somewhat difficult task to select that information which appears to be of the most interest to "inorganic and general chemistry" since the electronic relationship between a boron-nitrogen and a carbon-carbon grouping is reflected in the "organic" character of many of the reactions and compounds.

AutorNiedenzu, Kurt / Dawson, J. W.
VerlagSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
Seitenangabe176 S.
AbbildungenVIII, 176 p.
ReiheAnorganische und allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen

Weitere Titel von Kurt Niedenzu

Alle Bände der Reihe "Anorganische und allgemeine Chemie in Einzeldarstellungen"
