
1,107 Baby Names That Stand the Test of Time (eBook)

ISBN: 978-0-7611-8128-6
GTIN: 9780761181286
Einband: Adobe Digital Editions
Verfügbarkeit: Download, sofort verfügbar (Link per E-Mail)
CHF 8.00
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There are tens of thousands of baby names out thereand books that dutifully list them. And then there is 1,107 Baby Names That Stand the Test of Timea curated, considered, opinionated, and richly informative guide that winnows down the world of baby names to help moms and dads make smart choices, sidestep the trendiness trap, and avoid the ranks of parents (more than 54%) who later regret the name they chose. A guide for parents who know that the perfect name lasts a lifetimeit suits not just a cuddly newborn but grows with a child from babyhood through adulthood.1,107 Baby Names That Stand the Test of Timemakes a strong case for each name selected and features the names definition, history, variations and nicknames, and its meaning in the larger cultural sense. Includes a primer on the basic rules of baby naming including sounds, rhythm, ethnic traditions, and effective use of a middle name.

There are tens of thousands of baby names out thereand books that dutifully list them. And then there is 1,107 Baby Names That Stand the Test of Timea curated, considered, opinionated, and richly informative guide that winnows down the world of baby names to help moms and dads make smart choices, sidestep the trendiness trap, and avoid the ranks of parents (more than 54%) who later regret the name they chose. A guide for parents who know that the perfect name lasts a lifetimeit suits not just a cuddly newborn but grows with a child from babyhood through adulthood.1,107 Baby Names That Stand the Test of Timemakes a strong case for each name selected and features the names definition, history, variations and nicknames, and its meaning in the larger cultural sense. Includes a primer on the basic rules of baby naming including sounds, rhythm, ethnic traditions, and effective use of a middle name.

AutorGriffin, Jennifer
VerlagWorkman Publishing Company
EinbandAdobe Digital Editions

Über den Autor Jennifer Griffin

Jennifer ("soft and white") Griffin is the author of Humpty Who? and the mother of two. As a Jennifer-the most common name of her generation- she has been obsessed with names her whole life. She and her husband live in New York City with their son, Luke ("worshipful"), and daughter, Josephine ("God adds").

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